Peer Institutions


American Association of University Professors

Carnegie Mellon on Designing a Course

Curriculum and Pedagogy Group

Flipping the Classroom  Southern Methodist University

Professional and Organizational Development Network in Higher Education (POD) POD publishes a number of articles annually covering innovative teaching ideas to development opportunities.

Queensborough Community College Publication List for Faculty Queensborough Community College has a list of journals tailored to faculty looking to publish work on pedagogy.

University of Michigan Center for Research on Teaching and Learning UM offers a number of resources in a number of areas from Diversity & Inclusion to teaching philosophies. UM is a national recognized leader in the field of faculty development.

Vanderbilt University Course Design Resources

Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching Library VU’s CFT offers a number of articles and publications written by their faculty.

Vanderbilt University Pedagogies and Strategies

The Washington Center for Improving Undergraduate Education